The History of Interplay

Our Story
Founded in 1996 by Fred Haas and Sabrina Brown, Interplay has been inspiring musicians of all ages from around the world. Our experienced music faculty focuses on key aspects of the improvisational art of jazz and other creative art forms, integrated with daily yoga and meditation.​
The first summer we had 7 faculty members and 18 students. Interplay has grown to 30 faculty and staff with 75 summer session students, up to 20 winter session students, and a budding high school program. Our week-long summer session focuses on small group improvisation and the development of the broad range of skills that are necessary to play in various jazz settings.​
We have always had, and continue to support a strong vocal jazz program with several master teachers as well as faculty and student accompanists. Vocalists build repertoire, create arrangements, and develop style, getting valuable input from our seasoned faculty.
In 2007 with our move to Woodstock, Vermont, our focus on community engagement increased. We invited community members to join us during evening sessions, offered free performances, and began to collaborate with local arts organizations. This has continued with our move to Kimball Union Academy in 2019, where the camp currently resides each Summer.​
Since its inception, Interplay has held at least one weeklong jazz camp each year open to musicians of all ages and levels of experience. As part of these workshops, all students and faculty perform for each other and in public venues. Students attend instrumental or vocal master classes, study music theory, ear training, jazz composition, arranging, and develop their performance skills under the supervision of faculty members. Interplay has expanded its reach to South Florida where it hosts a weekend intensive in West Palm Beach, FL. Most recently, the organization launched a Youth Orchestra to serve high school students in the Upper Valley.​
In addition to the annual weeklong Interplay Jazz & Arts Summer Intensive, Interplay has also organized one, two, and three-day educational workshops for instrumentalists and vocalists.​
In 2013, we applied for and received 501(c)(3) non-profit status from the federal government and created a board of directors.
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