Interplay is fortunate to benefit from a vibrant and diverse community of faculty and visiting artists. Our community is always changing and growing. We're so thankful for the remarkable artists who have been part of our work as instructors below.
in memoriam:
In January of 2025, the Interplay family lost a bright, young soul.
Dishan Harper is the son of Danny and Terry Harper, part of a legendary jazz family. Both his parents are monster jazz musicians and educators. Danny plays trumpet and Terry plays piano and sings. His brother Terence is also a monster trumpet player, making big waves on the scene. Thus, I consider Dishan royalty.
I met Dishan when he studied at a college I taught at in Atlanta. He was in my combos and other classes. He showed up to college already with ability and experience. And as young person who was supremely talented, Dishan was humble and eager to learn. He was always kind, worked hard, and a favorite in the jazz program.
When we had the opportunity to add some junior faculty to Interplay, I was excited to bring him on. I wanted to give him the chance to develop as a teacher. Little did I know what we were in for.
During the first day of summer camp combo, we played a few tunes and Michael Zsoldos and I launched into teacher mode. Then, I turned and asked Dishan if he wanted to add anything. Quietly and humbly, he said “sure.”
He then proceeded to teach these high school kids the Barry Harris method of learning to improvise. He was patient, efficient, and crystal clear in his teaching.
Michael and I just sat down and started taking notes. He was teaching ALL of us. Within minutes, our combo was SWINGING. We heard jazz language pour from these young musicians, and the whole combo lit up.
I heard reports of similar moments in the bass master classes. I walked up to him in the middle of the week and said “umm, you’re full-time faculty now.”
Those of us who got a chance to be around him know what a kind and generous person he was. And what a talented musician.
In just a few short years, Dishan made a huge impact on Interplay. I am forever grateful to have what little time I got with Dishan. And will do whatever I can to keep his flame burning at Interplay and beyond.
- Justin Varnes
Director, Interplay Jazz & Arts